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Medical Update #2

To all my family, friends, and supporters: I want to apologize for not having blogged again sooner with an update. Between all the medical tests and mandatory rest, I kept putting it off. I am still, in the states, for those of you that don’t know. After two weeks since the last hospital visit, I had a follow-up appointment yesterday with the doctor. 

Apparently there were more things they found out the last time I was at the hospital besides all the pre-ulcers in my stomach. I have two different serious problems. I have severe gastritis, which means the entire first layer of lining in my stomach is gone. It’s completely eroded away. That’s why the pain is so bad. There’s naturally acid in everyone’s stomach but apparently my stomach doesn’t know what to do with it. It makes it extremely difficult to eat (most days I eat only once or twice) and if I don’t eat, apparently the acid does more damage. (A very frustrating dilemma when it comes to eating..)

The other thing I have is called Barrett’s Esophagus. The fact that there was a pamphlet on it was alarming enough. And then she described it…A lot of people have acid reflux and apparently I do too. The problem is, I don’t feel it when I have it, like normal people do. Because of all the problems in my stomach, the acid has moved up into my esophagus and changed the cells from esophagus cells to stomach cells. As you can imagine, that’s not a good thing. I only have a small section of my esophagus that shows this illness, some people have it a lot worse than I do. That said, it’s still serious. If the acid continues to mess with those cells, they can become pre-cancerous. Yeah, pre-cancerous, not a word I was expecting to hear at my doctor’s appt. It doesn’t mean cancer it just means, there is a possibility it could make my cells more likely to get cancer. This is definitely NOT something I wanted to hear. For that, I’ll have to be checked again in a year or two to make sure everything is ok. Not real sure why they want me to wait that long, but that’s what they said.

As if that couldn’t be enough, there’s more. She also said that I won’t be feeling “back to normal” (not that I remember what that is) for at least six months and that I won’t really be feeling better for at least six weeks. To top it off, we talked also about my leaving the country any time soon. I explained to her how “on the go” I would be once I got back and she explained her fears about that. She said obviously I had to make my own decision but that she doesn’t feel I’m well enough to go back yet. Especially since at this point, we’re still in the process of figuring out what meds work enough to get me through the day. She’s afraid such a schedule and crazy African food might jump start this whole process all over again. And then of course she wouldn’t be able to help me, and really, neither would the African doctors (from what I’ve seen). I have another appt in four weeks, to see how I’m doing.

 So, yeah. That’s the very unfortunate, frustrated, sick, and ‘reminding myself to trust God’ place that I’m at right now. I know God has a plan and He’s definitely worked in my life through my time here since Christmas. I’m not going to lie though, it’s extremely hard being stuck here, away from my team, my children there, and the country my heart yearns to serve.
I don’t yet know what my return looks like. Or if, because of my health, there will be one. I know I’m going to have to make a decision regarding that, especially after all you guys have done for me. Unfortunately I don’t yet feel equipped to make that choice. I am praying for clearity and guidance. I only want to do what God wants for me.
Thank you all for the cards, monetary support, and prayers you have so graciously blessed me with. I love you all, even those of you I haven’t met. May God bless you all for the many ways you have blessed me!!


  1. Beth, I’m sorry for the way things are turning out! I know how much you ache to be in Africa and to have all these health issues must be so tough.
    Know that I am praying for you, as are so many, and that our Father is still holding you in the palm of His hand.
    Stay strong,

  2. Beth,

    I am sorry to hear of your illness and know how hard this is for you, but remember God is in control and His plan for you may not be visible to you for some time. follow the Drs orders and make sure you are healthy enough to serve the Lord as He would have you too. We are all praying for you!

    Susan <

  3. Sweet Beth,
    I was extremely sad to hear about your health and the dilema you are in regarding your mission. Our prayer is for your heart and ears to be open to God’s direction and that your physicians will have the wisdom to know how to treat your condition. Know that you will continue to be in our prayers.

  4. Hi Bethany: I too am so sorry to hear about all your health issues, but God knows what is going on and what is best for you. Remember to trust Him. We just pray that you will take care of yourself and will have a speedy recovery. At least you are with family and friends who love and support you here, but we know that your heart is in Africa. We’re just thankful you were able to come home and get the care here. You have our love and prayers always.

  5. Girl know i am praying for you and your stomach. God can heal and know that whatever happens its in his plans. Love you miss you.

  6. Hey Beth! We are rooting for you! We are praying for you. We support you from all the way over here. Miss you!

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